Hairy cow calf
Hairy cow calf

Photo courtesy of Duel M Highland Cattle, Highlands are able to thrive the rigours of extreme climatic conditions Highland cattle will prosper and perform well on grazing where less hardy breeds will fail. The cross Highlander has the milk to rear the continental calf with the high beefing potential demanded by today's market Both the pure Highlander and the first cross Highlander retain the prime ability to convert poor hill grazings into quality beef carcasses.


The cross Highland cow the inherent hardiness of the pure Highlander, plus that vital ingredient "hybrid vigour". These can be sired by many different breeds of bull a commonly used sire being a Beef Shorthorn bull, but recently excellent results have been obtained using continental sires. The unique attributes of the pure Highland cow make her the first choice for the production of commercial hill cows. Highland beef is healthy and nutritious with lower levels of fat and cholesterol and a higher protein and iron content than other beef. The Highland has a modern beef carcass with lean, well-marbled, flesh that ensures tenderness and succulence with a very distinctive flavour. Mature bulls can weigh around 1,800 pounds (800 kilograms) in breeding condition and cows 1,100 pounds (500 kilograms) The Highland calf is exceptionally hardy and grows rapidly up to weaning. This strong protective inclination of the cow minimizes predator losses that can even extend to sheep that are pastured in the same field. Abandoned calves, for even first-calf heifers, are rare. The mothering instinct is highly developed in the Highland cow. They are remarkable for their longevity, many Highland cows continue to breed to ages in excess of eighteen years having borne fifteen calves.

hairy cow calf

The breed is exceptionally hardy with a natural and unique ability to convert poor grazing efficiently. The hair colour can be black, brindled, red, yellow, and dun - there is considerable difference of opinion among breeders as to which is preferable. It is not uncommon for Highlands to shed this heavy hair coat when exposed to a hot dry climate and then grow a new one as the damp cold weather returns. With the double coat of hair and thick hide, the Highland has been adapted by nature to withstand great exposure. Photo courtesy of Craigowmill Fold, Highlands have a double coat of hair - a downy undercoat and a long outercoat which may reach 13 inches, and which is well-oiled to shed rain and snow. CharacteristicsThe Highland has the grandest head with a long fringe (that appears to cover the eyes) and the horns that are long and darken towards the tip, it is these features that make them most memorable. It is called a fold of Highland cattle because, in the olden days in winter the cattle were brought together at night in open shelters made of stone called folds to protect them from the weather and wolves. Today all members of the breed are called Highland.Ī little known fact about Highland breeders is that they don't call their herd a herd. The size difference was probably due more to the severe climate and limited rations that the island cattle were subjected to than to any genetic variation between the classes. The Kyloes, raised on the western islands of Scotland, tended to be of a smaller size and had a higher percentage of black and brindled cattle than the mainland Highlanders. Originally, the breed was divided into two classes, the West Highlands or Kyloe, and the Highlander. Throughout the long recorded history of Highlands, breeders have taken great care to retain the original characteristics of these cattle. HistoryLike their name suggests, Highland cattle originated in the Highlands and west coastal islands of Scotland, areas severe in climate and lashed by the North Atlantic gales.

Hairy cow calf